Well ‘ooda thought it!
Last night I had the great pleasure of accompanying one of my clients – Serious Ideas – onto the stage at the IPA Effectiveness Awards to pick up a bronze award for the London Business School Pre-Masters campaign for which I was the digital strategist. You can read a little about the submitted campaign here: http://www.ipaeffectivenessawards.co.uk/Entrant.aspx?id=62
I will admit I felt slightly out of place amongst some really impressive company – in fact it was a great honour to see Jakob Nielsen there – but what a joy to be recognised for such a successful campaign in the company of some of the advertising industry’s finest.
I think by far the most impressive return was that of the Grand Prix winners – Mediaedge:cia who tanked up an astonishing £21.57 for every pound spent – very well deserved!
I did find it slightly odd that people were already tweeting the full list of winners before we even heard at the actual ceremony (and Brand Republic had it online at least 2 hours before the announcements) – but I suppose that’s the nature of the PR machine!
Anyway – a good night – a great accolade and one very chuffed geek.
I thank you!
(takes a bow)
And now for some video:
(trust me – last one on, first one off!)
What the judges had to say